Additional features of the multicopter

Additional features of the multicopter

You can control a drone or multicopter in aeroflyRC with various additional functions:
Stabi-Mode, Acro-Mode and Coming Home. Here you can see which buttons are used to call up the functions.

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Multi-engine training on the flight simulator

Multi-motor training on the model flight simulator

As long as everything literally runs smoothly, a multi-motor model flies more or less like a single prop. However, if an engine fails, it can happen very quickly and the fate of the model depends on the pilot’s skill. But that’s exactly what simulator training is for!

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User sceneries RC8/RC9

User sceneries RC8/RC9

The sceneries on this page were all created by aeroflyRC users. Together with the downloads of the user sceneries you will also find installation instructions here

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Workshop user model RC8 / RC9

Workshop user models RC8/RC9

To create user models, you need advanced PC skills, as well as a lot of fun and confidence in working with programs, file types and data. This page presents all tutorials and explains the relationship between the individual steps.

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RC8 / RC9 User models

RC8 / RC9 User models

All models on this page have been created by aeroflyRC users. The download of these models is free of charge. Detailed installation instructions can be found at the bottom of this page!

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FAQ: Errorcode 60224 product is already registered

FAQ error code 60224: Product is already registered

Has the product key of your aerofly RC7 already been used for the maximum number of possible activations on different computers?In this case, please fill out the form completely so that we have all the information we need for a quick response.

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Online Manual aeroflyRC9

aeroflyRC9 online manual

If you have any questions about installation, operating the simulator or setting up the control unit, you will find all the answers in this online manual. You can also switch the manual to 35 languages.

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Updates aeroflyRC9

Updates aeroflyRC9

The latest update for the download or DVD version of RC9 is available here
The updates on this page are exclusively for the Windows versions, users of the Mac versions receive an update directly via the AppleAppStore.

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Offline activation RC8/RC9

Offline activation RC8/RC9

If possible, please always activate your RC8/RC9 directly from the program. The browser activation shown on this page is only necessary if your aerofly PC does not have Internet access or should not go online under any circumstances.

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