The SimConnector offers 2 different options for connecting a RC receiver:
Option #1:
Single-Channel-Mode Connect one your own RC receiver (nearly all systems usable) via the enclosed patch cables. The receiver must have at least 4 channels. You can use up to 8 channels in the way shown on the right. Connect our RC SimConnector #3031100 to a free USB port on your Windows or Apple Mac computer. The interface will be recognized by your computer automatically . We recommend this solution for receivers without data bus system. You can use 2.4 GHz also as former MHz receivers.
Option #2:
Sum Signal Input Connect our RC SimConnector #3031100 to a free USB port on your Windows or Apple Mac computer. The interface will be recognized by your computer automatically . Connect your RC receiver with Sum Signal to the USB interface with a single patch cable. This option can be used for the following systems: Spektrum-Satellit DSMX, Futaba S-Bus, Futaba FASST S.Bus2, MPX-SRXL, Graupner HoTT-SUM-1, DSM2- und DSMX-Receivers.
Troubleshooting checklist for an IKARUS SimConnector #3031100:
Follow these steps to find out an error using the IKARUS SimConnectors.
The best way to check the SimConnector is the “single channel mode”. The connection is shown on the image. Important: Please connect all channels with the single patchcables. Minimum 4 up to the max. of 8 Channels. |
Step 1:
Please start the aeroflyRC7 without an IKARUS SimConnector at first. If the software installation was correctly made then the software starts at least with one model in one landscape. Open at the main menu “Controller” and set up a “Mouse” as control unit for an USB test. If you can control the elevator and the ailerons by moving the mouse the program runs correctly and recognizes USB devices. |
Step 2: Preparation SimConnector
To double check the Sim Connector the “single channel mode” is the best choice. Please plug in the SimConnector without a receiver in a free USB port. Do not use an USB hub! Now the modus LED should light solid and the single-channel LED should blinking. Important: If another LED flashes please push the programming button and wait until the “single channel LED” is blinking. |
Step 3: Preparation Receiver
The Sim Connector can be connected to any R/C receiver in the single channel mode. The only requirement is a binded receiver and transmitter. Check this connecting with a power supply and at least one servo. If you can control the servo by the transmitter then disconnect the power supply and change to step 4. Important: Never connect an external power supply to the reveicer together with the SimConnector! |
Step 4: Calibration

Go to the aeroflyRC7 main menu and click under “Controller” on “Scan for new Controllers“. After that you should see an entry “SIM Game Controllers” and “16 channels” in a new window. Then please select the line and click on “Configure“. At the next window click on the RadioSymbol and follow the instructions.
Question: The line “SIM Game Controller” does not appear?
If you don`t see the line “SIM Game Controller”please press the programming button for a short moment. Wait until the mode LED and the single-channel LED lights again. After that please repeat the search for a new controller. Maybe you have to make this step several times.
Question: I´ve got no input signals at the easySetup?
If Step 2 and Step 3 was really O.K. then aerofly must record signals. If you still not see any input signals in the EeasySetup then please disconnect the SimConnector, quit aerofly, reboot the computer, connect the SimConnector again and start a new search for a new controller.